Our conversation is filled with the golden weight of remembrance as a year of beauty unfolds behind us. A thick tapestry of experiences, of learning and growing, in faith and love and joy. With threads of heartache and happiness weaving scarlet and golden amongst the fresh emerald green of precious friends, a deep azure blue breaks my heart with goodbyes.
I have so much to look forward to - moving to New Zealand to do another voluntary year with CAP, new friends, amazing experiences, fantastic places to see yet there is also so much here I have to give up, so much to let go, so many dear friends to leave.
Yet this is where it ends...with fragrant halcyon flowers bending their heavy heads beneath the wash of bleak farewells as the final week turns into the final day, the final hour, the final goodby.
And I realise...
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."