Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Beautiful Game

The squeak of shoes, the tattered, shredded breathing, the sideline encouragement calls. The team operating in concentric thought as we fight for possession, minds focussed, eyes sharply calculating for any opportunity. Turnover. The breath tangles in my lungs, muslces blaze and my heart stumbles in its frantic race to pour oxygen through my veins as I run for the disc, the cut, the score.

Ultimate Frisbee.

Once it's in your life, its very hard to forget how much fun playing Ultimate Frisbee is! Having played at uni and since moving to Bradford I have been trying to re-join a team but not surprisingly its been a little bit difficult due to no club team yet set up in Bradford. However, one of the other interns (Matt) played Ultimate Frisbee at Bradford Uni so when he asked if I wanted to play in a tournament this past weekend I jumped (quite literally, might have actually been bouncing up and down) at the opportunity! Being able to play again was a thrilling, intoxicating, exhilirating pleasure, the culture of an Ultimate tournament unlike any other, regonising old faces from previous uni tournament tours and making new friends an added bonus.

Ultimate Frisbee: The Beautiful Game.

Check this out:

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