Friday 14 January 2011

Why I Love Mondays

You would think that after a beautiful, relaxing, fun, warmer (Guernsey definitely thawed me out after being in the frozen North for so long!), peaceful and family & friend filled Christmas holiday back home that the idea of waking up again at 6.45am to go to work on a Monday morning would cause severe emotional scaring.

Not so! Although I had an amazing time away I do feel so privileged to be in a job where the first day back from holiday causes feelings of excitement and joy! I was looking forward to seeing everyone (I missed them) and getting stuck back into work.

I didn't think the day could get much better, however when I got to my desk I found a specially constructed breakfast of muffins, orange juice and croissants with some cards and a little note saying that today was "Partnership Reach Appreciation Day!" (Partnership is the department I work in and "Reach" is the internship programme I am on.) Apparently, the week that all the interns had not been in the office they had really missed us and they wanted to tell us how much they appreciated and valued having us back! I nearly cried.

I actually did cry a little bit later on, but this time with laughter! In our Department meeting that afternoon, Edd had written us all a song in the style of Tina Turner "Simply the Best" and they all sang/performed it for us. Definitely some well hidden talent there. (Really, REALLY well hidden ;) They then gave us a picture frame with lovely, encouraging notes from everyone in Partnership. Who knew that being an intern would be like this?!

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